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Saturday, 24 March 2012


Lecturette or speech making is a speech test conducted by a GTO to allow the candidate to expose his individual merits .Unlike group discussion ,where the candidate's behavorial pattern in relation to the others is under scrutiny ,in lecturrete its the power of diverting the attention of the group which is kept under examination .In other words ,lecturrete is  technique employed by GTO to assess candidates expression ,fluency ,clarity of thoughts and delievery of words and expression .

1)Choose a topic which is familiar to you .In other words choose a topic on which you have sufficient knowledge .
2)collect your thoughts as quickly as you can that come in your mind with respect  to that topic .
3)Form a introductory part of your speech as a base and preamble to the topic .
4)Prepare the concluding part as meticulously as the introductory part .
5)Give an analytical and critical approach to your topic.
6)Speak naturally.
7)Let your words be audible.
8)Avoid any personal references .
9)Give proper pauses to your sentences .
10)Use simple language .Try not to use words which you are accustomed to .
11)Dont be nervous just concentrate on your subject

Here are some topics for lecturrette
2)Fake currency in India
3)Relations with US
4)Relations withChina
5)Relations with Pakistan/kashmir issue
6)Relations with Israel /Iraq and Russia
9)Jan lokpal vs lokpal bill
11)Cwg scams
12)Child labor
14)Brain drain

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