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Thursday, 22 March 2012

Group task -Group disccussion

Group discussion is used widely as a variant of personality test for evaluating candidates simultaneously .Its potential was grasped initially by the defence forces who incorporated it into their own system.
A group discussion Is a leaderless group task .All candidates are competitors and they join the discussion without the participation of the examiner .The Gto evaluates the candidates secretly

1)It is an informal discussion on a current or convential topic.
2)It is not a debate so there is no chairman .
3)You can speak whatever you want ,whenever you want and in what so manner you want .
4)You speak in favour or against or in between.
5)Speak in English .If you get struck for word and expression ,you may switch over to Hindi but get back to English as soon as possible
1)A group of 8-10 candidates are seated in a circle according to their chest numbers .
2)Two subjects are announced by the gto and the candidates are asked to select one for discussion .The candidates quickly confer among themselves about the selection of the topic .
3)If the members of the group do not come to an agreement then the gto selects one of the topic
4)Discussion will be for 10-12 minutes .After that gto will give the second topic for discussion .There will be no choice this time around .
5)Discussion again will be for 10-12 minutes .

1)Power of expression-Ability to express ideas clearly.
2)Range of ideas and depth of the thoughts
3)not being rigid minded ,open to accept views .
4)Interest urge ,keenness  ,sound temperament .
5)The ability exert impression in a group.

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